Over the course of almost 30 years, the Equity Release Council continues to represent the equity release sector and exists to promote high standards of conduct and practice in the provision of and advice on equity release which have consumer safeguards at its heart.
Spectrum Independent are now proud to be a member of the Council.
These standards and safeguards have allowed the sector to grow, giving financial advisers and their customers confidence in the products, dispelling myths about equity release, and educating the public about the potential to access the wealth in their home for a variety of uses. Read how Equity Release is supporting retirement
The reputation and standing of the brand and the trust developed has seen its membership grow, bringing the sector together and helping it strengthen its voice: providers of equity release plans, solicitors, intermediaries, financial advisers, consultants, surveyors, and other industry professionals – all committed to the principles of membership.
The Council builds on this unified voice of its members, while remaining independent from the specific views of individual member firms or segments of the equity release market.
The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) helps people and their families in finding trusted accredited financial advisers who understand financial needs in later life. A well-qualified financial adviser who is also somebody who understands the plans you need to make for your retirement years.
Membership of SOLLA is the Gold Standard of financial advice for older people and their families and Wayne is now an Associate Member and working towards becoming an Accredited member.
The complexities of the many decisions you or your family may need to face when looking at issues such as care funding matters or whether equity release is the right thing for you, need careful and considered advice. Financial advice should help you make clear and informed decisions knowing that you have had the information and choices presented to you in a way that helps you make the best choices and decisions for you or for a family member. Read Daily Express article about how Britons are urged to review finances in Retirement
The Society of Later Life Advisers is committed to:
• Promoting and raising awareness amongst people, their families and professional advisers of financial issues faced in retirement and later life
• Building relationships with statutory and voluntary agencies, charities, housing and social care providers, financial services firms and those organisations who are involved in the financial wellbeing of those in later life
• Raising the standards of practice of those engaged in advising older people by promoting the highest levels of professionalism in financial advice
• Identifying and developing best practice by the provision of high-quality training and the distribution of the latest information and know how in later life issues
• Acting as a source of technical excellence for later life advisers
• Actively inputting into legislative and policy changes and contributing to debates on policy