The new insulation support scheme could save households around £310 a year as more homes are insulated against draughts.
The government scheme, worth up to £1 billion, will issue grants to homes with low energy efficiency ratings and in lower council tax bands.
The new insulation support scheme will need to be claimed by households by getting in touch with their energy supplier or local authority to determine if they are participating in the scheme.
According to the Department for Business, Energy, Industry and Skills (BEIS), households who don’t currently benefit from other government schemes can upgrade their properties under the ECO+ plan.
Grants will fund low-cost measures, including loft and cavity wall insulation, at an average cost to households of £1,500.
Alongside the grant scheme, the government is funding an £18 million public information campaign offering advice to reduce energy consumption.
Homeowners improving not moving
Some of the government’s tips for saving energy include:
- -Turning the “flow temperature” of your boiler down from 75⁰C to 60⁰C (which is different to turning down your thermostat). It is often done by adjusting a dial on the front of your boiler. It will make no difference to the temperature a room is heated to, but it may mean it takes longer for your rooms to heat up.
- -Turning down radiators in empty rooms
- -Reducing heating loss from the property by draught-proofing windows and doors
Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Grant Shapps, said the scheme would “enable thousands more to insulate their homes, protecting the pounds in their pockets and creating jobs across the country.”
Figures from the Energy Savings Trust show that poorly insulated homes can lose up to 45%of their heat.
They estimate that a typical three-bedroom semi-detached home could save £555 a year by installing draught-proofing, cavity wall insulation and loft insulation.
Mr Shapps continued:
“We’ve spent around £6.6bn on improving millions of homes so far. This is actually a scheme for people who have been left out thus far because their homes haven’t qualified.”